Duis faucibus enim vitae nunc molestie, nec facilisis arcu pulvinar nullam mattis..
Duis faucibus enim vitae nunc molestie, nec facilisis arcu pulvinar nullam mattis..
Duis faucibus enim vitae nunc molestie, nec facilisis arcu pulvinar nullam mattis.
PRODUCER: The Nacho Villa Foods. Made with 10 ancient grains, nacho multigrain is rich in nutritional properties. Our best alternative health! 280 g bag 100% natural and gluten free Ingredients: White corn, amaranth seeds (old aztec grains), millet, yellow corn, buckwheat, quinoa, sorghum, flax, sesame seeds, brown rice, salt, lime and corn oil.
PRODUCER: The Nacho Villa Foods. Made with chipotle pepper, this nacho has a slightly spicy and smoky taste. 280 g bag 100% natural and gluten free Ingredients: Yellow corn, corn oil, salt, chipotle, garlic, onion and cumin.